Shvets Aleksandr Yu.
Doctor habilitatus, Ph. D, professor, academician AS HSU.
Since 1997 he works in department of mathematical physics of NTUU «Kiev polytechnical institute». Gives lectures at physical and mathematical faculty from disciplines "Theory of dynamic systems", "Deteministic chaos". He is discussion leader of the workshop «Modern problems of non-linear dynamics».
The circle of the basic scientific interests is related to the theory of the deterministic chaos and the theory of dynamical systems with limited excitation. One of the first-ever beginnings investigation of a chaotization of nonideal dynamical systems. Among main scientific results it is possible to select:
1. The proof of existence of the deterministic chaos in pendulums, electro-elastic and hydromechanical systems with limited power-supply.
2. Discovery of the new scenarios of transition to chaos.
3. Construction and the description of new types of strange attractors.
4. Research of influence of factors of delay on generation of chaos in non-ideal dynamics systems.
Is the author more thah 200 scientific publications, including three monographies. More than 80 articles are published in the leading international scientific journals. Many times had the invited lectures and presentations at prestigious international scientific congresses and conferences.
Have h-index 17