Members of the scientific group

Shvets Aleksandr Yu.

Doctor habilitatus, Ph. D, professor, academician AS HSU.

Since 1997  he works in department of mathematical physics of NTUU «Kiev polytechnical institute». Gives lectures at physical and mathematical faculty from disciplines "Theory of dynamic systems", "Deteministic chaos". He is discussion leader of the workshop «Modern problems of non-linear dynamics».

The circle of the basic scientific interests is related to the theory of the deterministic chaos and the theory of dynamical systems with limited excitation. One of the first-ever beginnings investigation of a chaotization of nonideal dynamical systems. Among main scientific results it is possible to select:

1. The proof of existence of the deterministic chaos in pendulums, electro-elastic and hydromechanical systems with limited power-supply.

2. Discovery of the new scenarios of transition to chaos.

3. Construction and the description of new types of strange attractors.

4. Research of influence of factors of delay on generation of chaos in non-ideal dynamics systems.

Is the author more thah 200 scientific publications, including three monographies. More than 80 articles are published in the leading international scientific journals. Many times had the invited lectures and presentations at prestigious international scientific congresses and conferences.

                                                  Have h-index 17

Sirenko Vasyl Oleksandrovich

Sirenko Vasyl Oleksandrovich

Assistant of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Candidate of Technical Sciences

In 2010, he completed postgraduate studies at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". Academic supervisor: A.Yu. Shvets. Specialization of training 01.05.02 – mathematical modeling and computational methods. The topic of the candidate's thesis is "Computer modeling and numerical analysis of deterministic chaos in non-ideal hydrodynamic systems".

He has been working at the Department of Mathematical Physics of NTUU "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" since 2009.

The circle of scientific interests is related to the study of the peculiarities of the emergence and development of deterministic chaos in hydrodynamic systems with limited excitation; development of software for computer modeling and numerical analysis of deterministic chaos.

Among the main scientific results can be noted:

1. Discovery of new features in the transition from regular to chaotic regimes according to the Feigenbaum and Pomo–Manneville scenarios, as well as in the transition of the "chaos-chaos" type according to the scenario of generalized intermittency in hydrodynamic systems of the "liquid tank-electric motor" type.

2. Detection of the "hyperchaos-hyperchaos" type transition according to the scenario of generalized intermittency, as well as the transition to chaos due to the destruction of the boundary torus in hydrodynamic systems.

3. Construction of new maps of dynamic regimes for hydrodynamic systems.

Has an h-index of 6

Makasyeyev Oleksandr

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

In 2009, he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of NTUU "KPI", majoring in "Mathematics". He defended his master's thesis on the topic "Universality of transitions to deterministic chaos in some non-ideal pendulum systems" under the supervision of A.Yu. Shvets.

The circle of scientific interests is related to the study of the peculiarities of the emergence and development of deterministic chaos in pendulum systems with limited excitation

In 2017, under the guidance of O.Yu. Shvetsa, thesis "Computer modeling of the impact of non-ideal excitation and delay factors on oscillations of pendulum systems" for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

He gave reports at leading international conferences on nonlinear dynamics.

Among the main scientific results, the following can be noted:

1. Construction of new maps of dynamic regimes for a non-ideal pendulum system.
2. The Feigenbaum constant was calculated for the "pendulum - electric motor" system and the universality class according to Feigenbaum of this system was established.
3. It is shown that in some cases the dynamics of the "pendulum - electric motor" system can be roughly approximated by a one-dimensional discrete mapping. An analytical representation of such a discrete mapping is obtained.

It has an h-index of 6

Donetskyi Serhii Viktorovich

Ph.D. in mathematics.
He graduated from graduate school in 2023 and in that very year defended the PhD thesis on "New types of attractos in nonideal dynamic systems".
His main scientific interests are to find all existing limit sets in dymanic systems as well as their classification.
Among scientific results the following ones can be emphasised:
1. Establishment of coexistence of pair of attractors in nonideal dynamic system "piezoceramic transducer - generator". For that very system the classification of attractors in reletively new terms of "hidden attractor" and "rare attractor" was conducted.
2. Establishment existence of family of infinite limits sets in dynamic system "spherical pendulum - electrogenerator". It is shown that the family is so called "maximal attractor". Theorems on stability of isolated equilibrium and existence of family of infinite equilibria were proven.

h-index 2

Horchakov Olexii Oleksandrovych

Horchakov Oleksii Oleksandrovych – Phd student in department of Mathematical problems of mechanics and control theory of Institute of mathematics

In 2023 graduated from the master's degree at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of NTUU "KPI named after I. Sikorsky".

Master's thesis: "Generalized intermittency in the Lorenz system" supervisor: A.Yu. Shvets.

The circle of the basic scientific interests is related to the scenarios of transition to chaos in dynamic systems.

Among main scientific results it is possible to select:

-study of the scenario of generalized intermittency and symmetric attractors in the Lorenz system

Seit-Dzhelil Ilmi

PhD student of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Probability Theory.

In 2023, he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of NTUU "KPI named after Igor Sikorsky" with a specialty in "Mathematics". He defended his master's thesis on the topic "Regular and chaotic attractors of the Krasnopolska-Miles system in the presence of a delay" under the supervision of A.Yu. Shvets.

The circle of scientific interests is related to the study of the effect of delay on the attractors of models of non-ideal hydrodynamic systems.